Deep Tissue Massage Vs Firm Pressure Massage: 3 Key Differences

A Swedish-style massage delivered with a firm pressure is actually different from deep tissue massage. In order to understand the difference, it's important for us to first understand the body's fascia and muscles in layers. 

When it comes to a deep tissue massage, it targets the manipulation of deeper layers of muscles and soft tissues into the body. If you're looking to get the best massage in OKC, make sure to do a little bit of research and find a spa that fits your needs. 

Difference between Deep Tissue & Firm Pressure Massage

  1. One of the biggest differences in the two approaches is their effect on the layers of the muscles in our body. Firm pressure massage uses a lubricant to glide over the layers. This helps to increase the circulation of blood and relaxes the tissues.

    On the other hand, deep tissue technique doesn't often use lubricant. It grabs the muscles, stretching them to separate. Since the therapist waits for a slow release of tension, strokes will be relatively shorter. This technique offers a better alignment of the muscle and less restriction in the joints, which improves their movement as well as function. 

  2. The two techniques vary in terms of pressure. Firm pressure is all about long strokes which offers a more relaxing experience. But the pressure involved may not be enough.

    Deep tissue massage, on the contrary, offers more pressure to release tension within the fascia. People who are looking for a relaxing massage should not use this technique. 

  3. These two massage types are also different from each other in terms of uses. Swedish is a famous massage for relaxation. It involves light to moderate pressure which is a good way to relieve light muscle tension.

    When it comes to deep tissue massage, it's especially for people who want to work out for deep muscle tension. Apart from that, it can help you recover from muscle strain. The therapist can apply great pressure which might prove to be uncomfortable for many. 

If you don't know which technique is the best massage option for you, you should talk with your therapist. He will help you select the right one after considering your goals and expectations. 

Are you looking for an easy and comfortable massage to ease your light muscle tension? Then Angels and Sages Foot Sanctuary & Massage Spa should be your option. Contact us today to learn more about our services.

**Disclaimer: The content is not to be construed as offering any medical advice and does not imply any relationship between doctor and patient.


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