Can Massage Help In Managing Paralysis Pain Better?

You may have thought that massage is only for times when you need to relax. However, you will be amazed to know that massage can help patients with paralysis as well. Paralyzed patients often feel anxious and stressed out because of the complications they have to deal with. However, the best massage in OKC can help them feel better mentally, emotionally, and even physically. If you are thinking how this is possible, read on to know more.

What is Paralysis?

Before you understand how paralysis patients can get help from massage, you need to understand what paralysis is. In simple words, paralysis is a condition in which your patient is not able to move their voluntary muscles. There are different types of paralysis. While we all may have seen in movies that a person goes into paralysis after an accident, there might be other reasons of having paralysis as well. 

Now, even the best massage in OKC is not magic that it will cure paralysis. But through proper massage, you can actually make some improvements in the patients. No matter what the reason of paralysis is, it is caused when our nerve endings are damaged. Here are three primary issues that a paralysis patient you know might be experiencing:

  • Firstly, due to the broken nerve endings, the nerves that are supposed to send the stimulation to the brain cannot do the same. As a result, the brain also stops communicating with the specific part of the body. 
  • Secondly, your patient who is under paralysis may have an injured spinal cord. So, even when the brain receives signals from the nerves, it cannot respond to the stimuli due to the spinal cord injury. 
  • Lastly, spinal cord injury can stop total communication within the body of your patient due to spinal cord injury. 

How Massages Can Help:

When your patient with paralysis goes through one of the best massage sessions in Oklahoma, they feel rejuvenated. Their brain might even connect better than before and might try and responds to the stimulation. 

Different types of massages include different techniques such as compression, kneading, stretching, friction, etc. These techniques provide stimulation while relaxing the muscles of your patients. 

Benefits That You Are Looking For:

Book the best massage in OKC at Angels and Sages Foot Sanctuary and Massage Spa to get help patients enjoy the benefits of massage. We help them manage their pain better while improving their range of motion. If you want to help someone with paralysis, book a massage session for them.

Disclaimer: The content is not to be construed as offering any medical advice and does not imply any relationship between doctor and patient.


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