6 Reasons Athletes Must Not Miss Choosing Sports Massage

Sport message is mainly beneficial for athletes as well as for exercisers. It is a popular post-performance or pre-performance regime that helps in several ways. It can also be done during training or rehabilitation. It is a part of healthcare for athletes which specifically focuses on preventing injuries. Here we have focused on the benefits of sports massage for athletes.

What Is Sports Message?

Sports message is the manipulation of muscle to relieve any kind of tension accumulated. It is used to release tightening of muscle, increase blood circulation and enhance tissue elasticity. This massage focuses on specific part of muscle group, joints, soft tissue group and ligament.  It has been found that most of the athletes of Oklahoma often opt for this therapy to increase their stamina before any crucial event. 
Sports message helps people’s body in three different ways with its three fancy P’s 
  • Physiological
  • Psychological 
  • And, physical

Benefits of Sports Message Therapy That Are Less Talked About

Increases Flexibility

Athletes usually are expected to get trained for a long time which in turn can make their muscle rigid. Sports message helps them in making their muscle more flexible. It can also help to relax tense muscle which decreases muscle rigidity.  

Relieves Stress

Athletes have high chances of having physical fatigue due to high amount of stress. They also get lot of mental stress because of overtraining. Sports message therapy can help them in relieving stress caused due to above discussed issues It also helps to decrease amount of stress related hormones and can boost immune system.

Eliminates Waste Products

The terrible pain that the athletes usually go through after a workout or training is known as DOMS (Delayed Onset of Muscle Soreness). Sports message can eliminate the build-up of lactic acid and carbon acid in the muscle thereby reducing the pain. Athletes are expected to drink lots of water after the therapy. 

Reduces Blood Pressure

When sports message therapy is practiced on the body, it gets high amount of oxygen and nutrients. That in turn increase the blood flow which releases the heart from working too hard! This reduces muscle tension as well.

Increases Focus 

Sports message helps the mind to be in a meditative state. That in turn helps one’s mind to be clearer and more focused.

Helps In Speedy Recovery

Athletes can get injured in their profession. Though different injuries have specific recovery programme, sports message can be beneficial for almost every injury. It helps the tendons, scar tissues, muscle and ligaments to heal quicker. It can be customized based on specific needs and injuries.

Where to Seek Help?

Angels and Sages Foot Sanctuary & Massage Spa has been helping people in and around Oklahoma by serving them sports message therapy for a long time.  If you are looking for a trustworthy place to get your therapy done, book your schedule with us. 

Disclaimer: The content is not to be construed as offering any medical advice and does not imply any relationship between doctor and patient. 


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