Different Types of Massage and Their Benefits

Massage treatment has been practiced in Oklahoma City for a long time. Massage is an ancient art, although it is constantly being updated as variations in procedure or therapeutic techniques are added. Many places give these new techniques a new name to create a whole new therapy.

This is mostly done for marketing purposes or to sound more scientific. So, it is essential to research all the massages before choosing the right one. The best massage can be identified by the mix of techniques that is best suited for your need. A patient suffering from stress will need a different form of massage than those with a frozen shoulder.

Some types of massage and their benefits are discussed below.

Swedish Massage

If you are looking for a therapeutic relaxation technique, the best massage for you is a Swedish massage. This is a straightforward and classic massage for all your headaches and pain. It is usually done on the neck, back, shoulder, and legs. It is all about using long strokes and light-to-firm pressure to help with all the pain.

Technically the therapist uses five kinds of strokes to do the massage: kneading, tapping or pounding, stroking and gliding, and vibration. This is very effective for people suffering from anxiety and stress. There were many studies done that suggested that it is very effective for people who are suffering from generalized anxiety disorder (GAD).

Soft Tissue Massage

Soft tissue massage is a technique that uses the stretching of muscle fibers, fascia, and tendons. This is the best massage for stretching the small areas of soft tissue. Slight pressure is applied to that part of the tissue, and then it is moved to achieve a particular stretch. It is a very popular form of therapy, especially if any adhesions are present in the tissue.

Sports Massage

This message is made for all amateur and professional sports people. It is one of the oldest forms of massage, which can be dated back to early martial arts. This is the best massage for anyone with a physically demanding lifestyle.

The main focus of this massage is to impact sporting activities on your joints, ligaments, muscle groups, and tendons. The therapist first does some initial assessment to understand the problems and tailor a good plan. Sports massage involves many different movements, including kneading, vibration, percussion, striking, stretching, trigger points, and gliding.

Deep Tissue Massage

This massage is aimed at the dipper tissue structure of the muscle and facia. This massage helps to get through the muscle more subtly and requires persistence, coaxing, and firm pressure. This is the best massage for people suffering from pain as it increases the body’s endorphin, which gives a natural high.

Choose the Best for Yourself

Angels and Sages Foot Sanctuary & Massage Spa have a team of skilled and knowledgeable therapist who can give you the relief you need. Call to schedule your booking today.


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