Why Should SCI Patients Take Massage Therapy?

If any part of the spinal cord is damaged at the end of the spinal canal due to any particular reason, then you may suffer from various problems. The problem can cause permanent changes in strength, numbness, or even paralysis. A damaged spinal cord can affect human life emotionally, mentally, and physically. 

You have to seek medical help and rehabilitation in order to lead a productive life. Not only that but also you can also contact a specialist for massaging your body. Massaging the body can help you to feel relaxed and it is also a very good option for SCI patients. Therefore, if you want to get the best massage in your locality, then you should check the background and experience of the massage specialist.

Symptoms of SCI

If you are suffering from spinal cord injury, then you may experience the following symptoms including:
  • Difficulty breathing
  • Loss of movement
  • Loss of bladder control
  • Experience spasms
  • Difficulty with balance and walking
  • Impaired breathing after injury
  • Changes in sexual sensitivity and fertility
  • Extreme back pain

The Advantages of Massage

  • Improve Your Mental Health

A few decades ago, doctors treated mental and physical health separately. But now the research has confirmed that mental and physical well-being is linked. If your mental health is strong, then it can boost your immune system. According to the research, strong mental health is as beneficial as doing exercise on a regular basis.

  • Improved Range of Motion

Patients with SCI face difficulties while moving their body parts. You can also experience infections, swelling, decreased blood flow, and pain due to the injury. But if you take massage therapy, then you can control muscles more. The functions of muscles can be improved over time. Not only that but also massage therapy helps you to slow the muscle degeneration rate and prevent dangerous injuries further.

  • Reduce Pain

One of the main problems of any type of injury is pain. The patients suffer from so much pain, that they cannot do various exercises at all. As a result, the patient is trapped in the pain and cannot continue a healthy lifestyle. But if the patient does massage therapy, then it breaks up the muscle knots. You can also manage pain while doing exercise compared to before. Therefore, if you want to get any benefit, then you should contact the professionals for getting the best massage.

Contact Us

You should take the best massage sessions often to reduce tiredness and feel more energetic. Massage therapy is good for everyone. You can contact Angels and Sages Foot Sanctuary & Massage Spa to get various services in OKC.

Disclaimer: The content is not to be construed as offering any medical advice and does not imply any relationship between doctor and patient.


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