5 Ways A Couple Massage Can Breathe New Life into Your Relationship

Holiday season is a challenging time of the year for people who struggle picking out gifts. If you are a clueless boyfriend (or girlfriend) wondering if a couple’s massage is the right thing, let us tell you the internet has guided you to the right place.

A couple’s massage is a great way to have a fun time with your partner. It also has several relationship benefits. Clients tell us the close intimacy built in the steamy massage room almost always seeps into the regular routine of their relationship.

Relationship Benefits of Couples Massage

  • Sharing a New Experience Together

Just like trying out a new restaurant together or maybe watching a new Netflix show, a couple’s massage too is a new experience that connects you and your partner. Either you find a new activity to do together or you end up with a funny story to tell.

  • Spending Quality Time with Each Other
Most of the millennial/gen z population have a flawed work-life balance. It is not uncommon to find couples struggling to find time for each other. Dinner dates aren't as often anymore and when they are, something always seems to come in the way.

Finding some time for a couples massage ensures that you share an intimate surrounding with your significant other. Even if it's not an activity requiring direct interaction, their presence means a lot.

  • Reconnecting Like Old Times
As a relationship progresses, it goes through many phases. Sometimes two people start living in different worlds and with each day their worlds overlap less and less. Doing an activity like a massage together gives them a common experience they can talk about. It becomes a shared point from where more conversations stem.

  • De-stress and Detox Your Relationship
There are several factors which can cause your relationship stress. While we say communication is the key, it is often difficult to do just that. There might be some incident you wanted to talk about but never did, something your partner did that you didn't like, some movie you wanted to talk about but they didn't make time for you, these are common occurrences.

But when it keeps piling up, it can drive a crack in your relationship. This intimate activity where you're laid bare (quite literally) in front of your partner, presents an opportunity to talk about those issues and resolve them calmly.

  • Encourages Bonding and Intimacy

A massage often helps your body release happy hormones like dopamine, serotonin and oxytocin. These hormones alleviate stress and anxiety while also boosting your affection for your partner. Firing all your hormones, this massage also helps boost your sex drive.

Should You Book a Couple’s Massage for Your Next Date?

A couple’s massage, as we have mentioned, is a wonderful way to spend quality time with your significant other. Angels and Sages Day Spa provides the most therapeutic, detoxifying and healing environment. With their well-trained massage therapists and impressive techniques, they provide the best massages in Oklahoma City and are an excellent option to go for. Do not delay to book your slot!

Disclaimer: The content is not to be construed as offering any medical advice and does not imply any relationship between doctor and patient.


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