Nerve Pain- Treatment, Cause, and Symptoms

Nerve pain is the result of damage, compression, or other injuries that take place either in the spine or nerve. Consequently, most doctors recommend sports massage since it helps in easing out the pain.

How does the nerve pain feel?

It is crucial to understand that pain is different for everyone. While some experience stabbing and prickly feel, others feel tingling and burning sensation. Nerve pain is also known as neuropathic pain, and it is unbearable. However, the best part is, nerve pain is easy to reduce and can be controlled eventually.

How to understand nerve pain?

Nerve pain often happens due to damaged nerves, which send false signals resulting in chronic pain. Moreover, the signals might not function for registering pain associated with a normal injury. 

Suppose, you are having diabetes and nerve issues in your feet. In this case, you won’t feel any sensation, even if you suffer any foot injury. Due to this reason, most neuropathic doctors in Oklahoma recommend sports massage.

Symptoms of nerve pain

Before jumping to any conclusion, it is important to understand that neuropathic pain differs from person to person. However, certain symptoms are there, which are common in every case.

  • Continuous pain that happens without any triggering factor
  • Evoked pain takes place due to certain events, which are not painful like staying in cold temperature for long, hair brushing, etc.
  • A continuous sensation of unpleasant feeling
  • Problem in sleeping

Treatments for neuropathic pain

The primary goal behind the treatment for neuropathic pain is to find out the underlying cause or the condition, which leads to acute pain. On that account, the doctors first aim to provide effective pain relief.

Apart from that, a health expert will help you in maintaining capabilities irrespective of the pain you are suffering. As a result, it will become easy for you to improve the quality of your life. Some of the common ways of treating neuro pains are discussed below

Over-the-counter medications

Various anti-inflammatory drugs are available in the market that is effective in treating this pain. But, many don’t find these effective as they are unaware of the source of pain.

Antidepressant drugs

It is yet another one of the effective drugs that help in treating neuropathic pain. Various research showed that antidepressant drugs help in controlling the symptoms

Prescribed medicines

Most opioid medications never reduce the pain, but they can help with other pain. Nonetheless, doctors hesitate to prescribe these since they believe that patients might become dependent on them. Topical pain relievers are effective as well. Few common medicines include lidocaine patches, prescription-strength creams, and more.

Want help with your neuropathic pain?

Nerve pain is not something to be okay with since it can take a toll on your life. At Angels and Sages Foot Sanctuary & Massage Spa, you can get relief from neuropathic pain. Drop us a message for booking your schedule today!

Disclaimer: The content is not to be construed as offering any medical advice and does not imply any relationship between doctor and patient.


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