Couples Massage: Make Your Honeymoon More Special

Weddings are one of the most precious and awaiting days of our lives. Both men and women dream about the perfect wedding. But it is not as easy as we say. We have to make various plans and do a lot of preparations and work to make your marriage day perfect. Therefore, both you and your partner may feel tired after the grand ceremony as the whole process is exhausting. 

Here comes the couple's massage which is the perfect way to switch off all the tiredness, hard work, and mental pressure and help you to enjoy the honeymoon period. In this process, the couple has a massage in the same room with their therapist. It is a very good idea as the couple's message offers them an intimate experience. 

One thing to remember, before booking the day for a couple’s messages, make sure to discuss it together whether you are interested in getting the experience at all or feel comfortable. Then you have to choose a particular type of massage and tell the service provider if you are interested in including any type of amenities. 

When to Take the Message?

It would be great if you do not take messages in the morning at all. There are many activities that you do throughout the day like traveling. The experts recommend taking couples' messages at the end of the day after doing all the work. It would help both of you to relax and sleep better at night. 

What Should You Do Before Taking a Message?

  • Avoid eating a heavy meal before taking the message.
  • Take a shower.
  • Make sure to wear minimal cloth or no cloth at all.
  • Keep in mind that many spas offer disposable underwear. 
  • The therapists expect to get tipped 15 to 20% of the service actually costs.

The Advantages of a Couples Massage

  • Strengthen the Bonding

After getting a message, our body releases oxytocin which is also known as the love hormone. It creates a sense of love and affection toward our partner. It helps the couple to increase their affection between them.

  • Detoxifying

When the newly married couple goes to enjoy their honeymoon, they may eat a lot of local and restaurant foods. These types of foods are not always healthy for their body at all. But, taking a couples’ massage instead,  will help them to detoxify their mind and body. 

Celebrate Your Relationship

We can enjoy our post-wedding period in various ways. Try the couple message at Angels and Sages Foot Sanctuary & Massage Spa. The experts will help you to get extraordinary feelings in a second in OKC.

**Disclaimer: The content is not to be construed as offering any medical advice and does not imply any relationship between doctor and patient.


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