Symptoms of Tennis Elbow and How to Treat It

Any types of sports that require you to use your arms can cause tennis elbow. You will need to see a specialist who can assist you with massages. You can ask any specialist for sports massage in OKC and you will see that this is a common injury seen in the world of sports. If you want to know how massage can help you in relieving pain for tennis elbow, keep on reading.

What Are Symptoms of Tennis Elbow?

Tennis elbow is a condition in which you will feel pain around the elbow area. When the sports you play causes extreme and continuous pressure on your elbows, it may cause strain. As you can guess by the name, this condition is more often seen in tennis players. However, you may have this condition if you are into any game that causes strain on your elbows or even wrists. Getting a sports massage in OKC can relieve your muscles and help in reducing your pain.

The common symptoms of tennis elbow are as follows:

  • Pain felt to the lateral elbow
  • Swelling caused by inflammation
  • Limited movement of wrists, which includes limited flexion

You may also experience sudden pain while doing normal movement or you may feel sharp pain while trying to grip something. Your hands may also shake while lifting something.

When Does Tennis Elbow Happen?

Tennis elbow is not caused by a sudden injury. If you are overusing your arms and causing continuous stress on your wrists and elbows, you are prone to getting tennis elbow. A sports massage specialist can help you in treating the condition. There are different methods that your specialist will use to identify whether you have tennis elbow.

  • Firstly, the physiotherapist will observe whether you have any swelling along with pain. Also, if you are having difficulty moving your wrists without causing pain, you should report that too.
  • You may not always realize, but your wrists have multiple movements. These movements can cause pain when you have developed tennis elbow. You may feel extreme pain when you are stretching your elbow that causes stress on the tissues.
  • In case your specialist does not find an accurate result, they may also check manually for any symptoms. In the manual process, your specialist will ask you to keep your forearm in neutral state. The procedure may involve extending your wrists.

Angels & Sages Foot Sanctuary and Massage Spa is focused on providing you relief by offering sports massage that can help you get rid of the pain caused by tennis elbow. Book your schedule now!

**Disclaimer: The content is not to be construed as offering any medical advice and does not imply any relationship between doctor and patient.


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