What Is Muscle Tightness And 3 Ways to Ease the Stiffness?

Stiffness, tightness, pain, and cramping - these are some words that most people have used at least once in their lifetime to describe their muscles. Feeling discomfort in the body can impact your whole lifestyle. Sometimes it becomes extremely difficult to identify the underlying causes to treat the problem from its root.

Many people take massages on particular body parts to ease the stiffness and pain in the longer run but the question is why do our muscles become tight? That’s why in this article, we have discussed the reasons that provoke our body muscles to become stiff and effective ways to reduce tightness and pain. 

Massage is one of the best trajectories to go back to your normal life. Contact Angels and Sages in OKC to experience the best massage of your life.

What Is Muscle Stiffness?

In this condition, your muscles become stiff, and you can’t move smoothly. The experience becomes more horrible after resting for a while. Not to mention, pain, discomfort and cramping also join the party. But don’t confuse muscle tightness with muscle rigidity and spasticity. In that health condition, you experience stiffness even if you are not moving at all.  

In general, muscle stiffness goes away after some time. Regular exercise and stretching are usually enough to get rid of this irritating condition. However, if it doesn't get better after some time, hire an expert to get the best massage treatment

What Are the Reasons for Muscle Stiffness?

  • Dehydration
  • Delayed-onset muscle soreness
  • Poor posture
  • Muscle strain

How Can You Combat Muscle Stiffness?

1. Swim

Water bottles up the effect of gravity on our body and helps us to unload our muscles and move them in various ways. Walking, swimming, and exercising in the water are effective ways to treat muscle stiffness. 

2. Cross Train

Exercise is a good option to treat this condition but not the only one. Doing some gentle activity also helps you to stretch the muscle. In case you exercise regularly, don’t walk on the same track. Try to do different activities after a certain time. 

3. Massage Therapy

Getting a massage is the best way to keep the muscles loose. There are thousands of reasons why you should choose massage therapy, but the best cause is that massage can increase the circulation and blood supply in your body.  

The Massage Your Body Needs

At Angels and Sages in OKC, we provide the best massage experience and other services to target the problematic areas and feel better more often. To get a painless and more active lifestyle, contact us right now!


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